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•   Mevalyn Herman (Farris)  6/20
•   Bobby Hartley  2/8
•   Billy Delbridge  9/25
•   Regina Gray (Noland)  9/22
•   Deborah Williams (Little)  8/13
•   Joan Payne (Blackwell)  7/12
•   Jimmy Swain  7/11
•   W. Frank Fondren  7/1
•   Jeff Hawkins  6/12
•   Craig Snyder  4/28
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•   Stephen Curry  7/28
•   Sharon Causey (English)  7/29
•   Molly Mayfield (Lawrence)  7/31
•   Charles Owens  7/31
•   Bridget Baggett (Furiga)  8/4
•   Margaret Griffin  8/5
•   Sarah Harris (Crouch)  8/5
•   Harris Stewart  8/9
•   Kaye Armstrong (Robb)  8/10
•   Jackie Montgomery (Houston)  8/10
•   Rebecca Hamm (Watkins)  8/18
•   W. Frank Fondren  8/20
•   Randy Davis  8/26


Know the email address of a missing Classmate? Click here to contact them!


Percentage of Joined Classmates: 53.1%

A:   249   Joined
B:   220   Not Joined
(totals do not include deceased)



Who lives where - click links below to find out.

296 live in Alabama
1 lives in Alaska
1 lives in Arizona
5 live in California
3 live in Colorado
19 live in Florida
19 live in Georgia
1 lives in Indiana
2 live in Kentucky
4 live in Louisiana
2 live in Maryland
1 lives in Massachusetts
1 lives in Michigan
6 live in Mississippi
2 live in Missouri
1 lives in New Jersey
1 lives in New Mexico
1 lives in New York
12 live in North Carolina
4 live in Ohio
1 lives in Oregon
1 lives in Pennsylvania
6 live in South Carolina
8 live in Tennessee
18 live in Texas
1 lives in Vermont
2 live in Virginia
1 lives in West Virginia
1 lives in Wisconsin
32 location unknown
135 are deceased

THS would never rate

without the Class of '68!

Welcome to the Tuscaloosa High School

Class of 1968 website


Thanks for checking out our page! We hope you will join the website so that you will have access to more information about our classmates and activities. You are able to set your preferences as to how much of your information is shared with others. Please check out our privacy notice at the bottom of the page if you have concerns.

Even if you haven’t attended a reunion in the past or kept in touch with classmates since high school, we hope you will join us, update your profile, and even post some photos. Your classmates will enjoy hearing about you, and your participation will make our site fun, interesting, and complete. Fifty-three years is a long time, and we have some catching up to do!

If you have new contact information since our 50th reunion, please send it to Martha Cowden Cook at Include any changes to your name, mailing address, email address, or phone number(s). Although we have no activities planned for the immediate future, we want to be able to contact you in case we have any big news!

We also have a Facebook page called "Tuscaloosa High School Class of 1968." If you are on Facebook please consider joining that page too!

Hope to see or hear from you soon!


As of 2/18/2018 we have 262 active classmates

on our website!

Please join if you haven't done so!

If you have joined, please be sure your contact information is up to date!

  Help us find more of our classmates using the "Missing Classmates" page.

Privacy Notice

All contact information (address, phone number, e-mail address) entered into this website will be kept confidential. It will not be shared or distributed. Your contact information is private. When someone clicks on your name, the only contact information they will see is your city, state, and any information about yourself you choose to put on your Profile. You can grant permission on your Profile for your address and phone number to be seen. Your e-mail address can only be seen by the Webmaster and Site Administrators. All messages are sent internally thru the website by using the contact box at the bottom of your Classmates Profile page. If you don't want search engines to find you, be sure to check the appropriate box on the bottom of your profile page.